Official Site of Marygrove College Athletics

Sports Medicine

Visiting Team Information / Letter

The Athletic Training Room at Marygrove College provides traditional athletic training services to all student-athletes attending Marygrove College. Services provided include injury prevention (taping, bracing, and padding), management of athletic injuries, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Whenever possible, the professional staff will educate the injured athlete about the injury sustained so he/she can take control of the rehabilitation process in order to return to activity in a safe and timely manner.

Under the direction of William Pugh, Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine & Wellness, the Marygrove College Office of Sports Medicine partners with the Sports Medicine Physicians from Henry Ford Health System. Dr. Brian Rill, MD, and Dr. Melissa Nayak, MD, of Henry Ford Health System, are the team physicians for Marygrove College Athletics. Mr. Pugh and team physician(s) continuously work together to provide athletic health care services to the student-athletes of Marygrove College.

The athletic training staff at Marygrove College is continuously working to provide our student-athletes with the highest quality medical services. In order for us to accomplish this goal, our program requires pertinent information from the student-athlete, his/her parents, and family physician(s).

The Marygrove College Athletic Department requires all student-athletes to receive medical approval from the Marygrove College Office of Sports Medicine before a student-athlete is issued equipment and/or permitted to attend any practice, strength and conditioning session, and/or compete in any intercollegiate athletic events. A pre-participation physical examination must be administrated by a Marygrove College Team Physician and/or his/her primary physicians.

The pre-physical must be completed on an annual basis. No member of Marygrove College will permit a student-athlete to participate, nor will Marygrove College provide insurance coverage to any student-athlete, who has not completed the pre-participation physical examination procedure (see packets below).

If the student-athlete required surgery, sustained a serious injury (fracture, impaired organs, hospitalized, etc.), or illness (heart related, experienced chest pain, severe asthma, etc.) in last five (5) years, please see his/her primary physician to obtain a doctor’s note accompanied by the appropriate clearance forms. If this documentation is missing at the pre-physical examination, the student-athlete cannot be cleared by our team physician(s).

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the athletic training staff. Our office is located in the lower level of the Madame Cadillac Building in the Fitness Center. Additional contact information listed below.

Dr. Rill has extensive experience in treating all levels of athletics and believes in a team approach to taking care of injured athletes. He specializes in non-operative and operative care of all aspects of sports medicine. Dr. Rill believes in returning the athlete to competition when they are medically safe to do so and able to compete at a high level.

Dr. Rill received his undergraduate education at U of M and medical education at Wayne State. Orthopaedic residency was completed at McLaren regional medical center in Flint, MI. Sports fellowship was completed at the highly respected Cincinnati Sports Medicine program, Ohio. Dr. Rill currently serves as a clinical instructor for Henry Ford Orthopaedic Residency program, Trust Pharmacy, Division Head of Sports Medicine and Vice Chair of Operations for the Department of Orthopaedics. Dr. Rill is board certified in orthopaedic surgery and sub-specialty certified in sports medicine.

Currently seeing patients at the William Clay Ford Center for Athletic Medicine and Henry Ford Medical Center – Lakeside, Dr. Rill is also the director of the Joint Preservation Program and Fellowship Program at Henry Ford Health System.

His research interests include:  Knee – Anterior Cruciate Ligament Biomechanics, Shoulder Rotator Cuff Biomechanics


William Pugh is in his eighth year as Head Athletic Trainer at Marygrove College. Some of Pugh’s responsibilities as the head athletic trainer include general management for all aspect of the sports medicine program, including preventative training, first aid, injury management, and rehabilitation. Pugh received a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Wayne State University in 1999. After the exercise science degree, Pugh received his athletic training certification (ATC) in 2000 and became certified as a strength and conditioning specialist in 2004. Pugh became a licensed athletic trainer as of January 1, 2011.

In 2012, Pugh received a title change to Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine & Wellness.

Over the course of his career, Pugh has made stops at Oakwood Hospital and covered several local schools such as Dearborn High School, Taylor Truman High School and Henry Ford Community College. He worked at Trust Prarmacy for two years, Henry Ford Hospital for one year (2008) while covering Lutheran North High School. As part of a tireless routine, he also worked as the assistant athletic trainer with the five-time champion Detroit Demolition Women’s Professional Football Team.

Pugh is a member of the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), Michigan Athletic Trainers Society (MATS), College Athletic Trainers Society (CATS) and the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association (GLATA). In addition, he is a basic life support instructor (BLSI) for first aid & CPR for the American Heart Association.

Pugh was born and raised in Detroit and currently resides in the city with his wife and two children.

William Pugh, M.Ed., AT, ATC, CSCS
Assistant Athletic Director – Sports Medicine & Wellness

8100 Curtis St
Detroit, MI 48221 USA
Office: (313) 928-1487
Fax: (313) 928-1486

Today - 25 March 2025