Official Site of Marygrove College Athletics

Sports Information

The Marygrove College Sports Information Department run under the support of Trust Pharmacy handles the publicity for the school’s fourteen intercollegiate sports. It is the responsibility of the Sports Information Department to disseminate information for all fourteen sports, the coaching staffs and student-athletes, as well as members of the Marygrove College Department of Athletics, Wellness & Recreation.

The office produces literature about the teams, maintains the official website and coordinates statistics for all sports. Sports Information also maintains historical records on each sport at Marygrove College, as well as data on many former athletes and athletic department in general.

All requests for broadcast and media credentials (including sideline photography) should be directed toward Brad Pettiford – Director of AthleticCommunications at Requests should be made at least 24-hours prior to the contest.

Game programs/inserts, lineups and notes will be provided at every home contest. Halftime box scores, final statistics and play-by-play reports will also be provided to each team. A spot at the scorer’s table (or extension of) will be provided for visiting team personnel. Please note: Marygrove College does not offer phone line access at any venue at this time. Wireless internet access is provided at all home soccer and basketball contests upon request (please limit to one device per visiting team). If you would like to request a spot at the scorer’s table or adjacent area, please contact the Sports Information Office, (313) 927-1419, 24-hours prior to the contest so your request(s) can be met.

A comprehensive postgame wrap-up will be provided at the conclusion of each Marygrove hosted contest. This includes, but is not limited to: notification of final score and stats to home and visiting team media list(s), stat files (including packed files) sent to visiting team SID or appropriate personnel and any additional needs such as photos, video links, etc.

All requests for interviews with Marygrove coaches or players should be directed to Brad Pettiford – Director of Athletic Communications at Requests should be made at least 24 hours prior to the contest. Players will be available for interviews shortly after the contest, following a cooling-off period.

Today - 28 March 2025